Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WVJC Charleston Alumni Highlight - Donnie Ingram

2010 Computer Information Technology / Technical Emphasis Graduate

When Donnie Ingram was asked why he chose to attend West Virginia Junior College, his answer was blunt and honest.

He said, “I woke up one day and realized I was nearly 30, had no career and that I was going nowhere in the job I was in. I wanted a career, not just another J.O.B (Just Over Broke). Unfortunately, I had no degree or certifications, so my options were limited.”

Before enrolling at WVJC, he was working as a Phone Support Technician for a company in his area.

Donnie enrolled in the Computer Information Technology program at West Virginia Junior College and certainly made his time matter while in school. He served as the President of the Computer Club and worked as a Federal Work Study with the IT Department at the school. The instructors and staff at WVJC saw him as a leader to other students.

Career Management Director, Stephanie Duncan said, “Donnie always had a positive attitude and he was always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needed it. The other students looked up to him and our staff very much enjoyed it when he worked with us.”

School can be hard, but Donnie’s decision to attend WVJC certainly was the right one. He said, “The staff and faculty at WVJC go above and beyond what their job titles include in order to help students better their lives and achieve their career goals.”

Donnie graduated from WVJC with honors and is now a Desktop Support Technician at one of the largest corporations in West Virginia. He is responsible for the technological needs of 300 local employees and thousands of employees at remote branches and warehouses. He installs hardware and software and provides troubleshooting assistance to technological issues.

He never would have been able to land this job if it wasn’t for his degree from WVJC. He said, “Before getting my degree at WVJC, I was stuck in the unending cycle of one dead-end job after another with no future in sight. WVJC opened the door to a better future with exciting career opportunities by broadening my knowledge of technology, sharpening my research skills and teaching me the ability to stay current in my field.”

“Now, I am more financially stable. I am able to pay off my car, support my daughter, pay my bills every month and feel better about myself and my life in general.”