It seems that anytime a person wants to rant or rave in a negative way, the ole’ familiar ‘FREEDOM OF SPEECH’ line surfaces. Why is this? I think the ‘Freedom of Speech’ should be used in a positive way and that professionals and students preparing to enter the workforce should really take a look at what is being heard from their mouths and their online networks.
Whether you’re a student, someone completing an externship, a job seeker or a professional in your field, your voice is being heard. It is time to stop and take a look at your attitude and how you are portraying yourself and make sure others are seeing you how you want to be seen.
Take a look at your last five Facebook Status Updates. What do you see? I bet some of you might have the red flag of “Oops…I’ve talked about how crappy my life, boyfriend, job, etc. is at least 3 of those 5 status updates.”
This doesn’t mean you have ruined your chances for a positive and professional image…it just means that now you have the chance to improve it!
Use this ‘Freedom of Speech’ and focus on good things. If you can’t think of anything good to say, update a status regarding a new finding in your field of study or ask for an opinion on an important question! The better your status updates, the more interaction you can expect to see on your social image sites and you can expect a better reception from others in your work or school environment.
Today you have the chance to make a difference. Use your “Freedom of Speech” and start a new, positive and professional reputation today!