Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are you Ready for Finals?

As the final week of the quarter approaches, take a few minutes to read some easy tips to help you feel your best during finals week.

1. Study!
While this is a “duh” tip, make sure you take the time to study in depth for your final examinations. Make an outline of the material and use your best studying method to learn the information. Whether you do best by copying notes again, making flash cards, re-reading material or having someone ask questions out loud, make sure you know what works best for you and use it to your advantage! If you are unsure what study habits work best for you, visit our Librarian, Fawn Atkins in the new Library on the 3rd floor to find out!

2. Tell Your Family / Friends You’ll Catch Up With Them When Finals Are Over
Not everyone understands the importance of college final examinations. Make sure you tell your family and friends that you need extra support during this week. This could mean that someone helps watch the kids so you can study and have quiet time, it might mean you take extra time to stay at the library or simply that you’re off ‘dinner duty’ this week. Make sure they know that they are important to you and you appreciate their support and can’t wait to spend some quality time with them just as soon as finals are over.

3. Rest

Finals can definitely take the energy out of you. Make sure you take the time to get a good night’s rest and avoid cramming last-minute information. When you cram last-minute, information is easily forgotten, especially when you are tired. Study early and often and makes sure you leave time for a good rest the night before and a healthy meal that morning.


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