Monday, January 2, 2012

2 P’s Likely to be forgotten in your Job Search

Here’s an easy fix to keep you organized and prepared for potential calls from interviewers while job searching. Don’t forget to always keep 2 very important “P’s” handy…a PEN and PAPER.

If an employer calls when you are not sitting at a desk or somewhere easy to find these items, you’ll then have a very real idea as to why this article is important.

An employer doesn’t know your schedule. They have no idea when you head to the gym, when you grocery shop, or when you pick up your kids from school. One thing your employer DOES know, a phone number to contact you. So, make sure you are proactive by having these items available at all times. Scrambling around for a pen and a piece of paper can sound unprofessional on the phone and you certainly don’t want that you be your first impression.

Make sure you always get the company name, interviewer’s name, interview time and the address of the facility in which you are meeting with. Also, if they mention any additional materials you might need to bring such as a portfolio, driver’s license, certification cards, etc. that you jot those down, as well. It is easy to get nervous and excited with a phone call for an interview…so write down important notes.

This simple step can keep you calm and prepared for employer calls to your phone. Happy Job Searching!

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