Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WVJC Charleston Offers the H1N1 Vaccine Thursday, February 25th

The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department will be administering the H1N1 flu vaccine this Thursday February 25, 2010 at West Virginia Junior College. They will set up in room 204 (The medical lab) from 9-11 am. The vaccine is free to anyone over the age of 12. Students will be excused from class by Rose to go get he shot. Students are also welcome to bring family members (over the age of 12). Family members will need to check in at the front office with either Jennifer or Rose, and then will be escorted to the medical lab.

You may seriously consider the H1N1 vaccine:
If you are pregnant
If you live or care or children under the age of 6 months
If you work in the Health care field
If you are 6 months-24 years old
If you are over the age of 25 with chronic health problems
or have a weak immune system


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