Going to college is one of the biggest decisions you will make. Taking that final step to enroll and realizing that when you graduate, you will have a degree to add in your biography of life is one of the most rewarding experiences you have during your lifetime.
It is also one of the most challenging…
You may be used to living a normal life without the stresses of homework and projects and finals. Your friends may be used to you always being available to hang out when it is convenient for them. I always like to compare it to being single. When you are single and all of your friends are single, it is so much fun to run around, meet new people and go different places. But once you meet someone and settle down, your friends aren’t always thrilled with the fact that you’ve found someone. The same can go for beginning school. The important thing is that you manage your time and priorities and remember that this is a time for YOU. It’s time to be a little selfish. Here are two things you need to MAKE SURE you do before you start your first day.
1. Give The Notice
Let your friends and family know that you are going back to school, that you are serious, and that things might change. Your schedule is going to fill-up with classes, studying and homework which will be drastically different from what you, or they, are used to. Nicely explain that you are going to have to make some changes in your life, but you need their support and are so thankful to have them during this time of change. True friends and your family will understand and support your decision.
As the old saying goes, you need to “make sure your ducks are in a row.” Take the time a few weeks before you begin school to have your childcare (and backup childcare) lined up. Purchase basic school supplies to get you started for school and make sure you have completed all of the necessary orientation sessions and paperwork before your first day. Confirm that your transportation is ready and make car pooling plans if necessary. Set a schedule so you know you have time in the evenings for studying and homework and make sure all of your appointments are scheduled for times after your classes. You need to be in class to learn the material and to succeed. So, make sure those pesky appointments or meetings are scheduled for outside of class time so you aren’t missing anything in the classroom.
Following these two easy steps can help you start off on the right foot this quarter. Planning ahead, prioritizing and preparing yourself for the change are a sure way to help you succeed. You made the decision to continue your education…Now, apply yourself and make the best of it!
I agree with everything this says. I use to be able to go home, play with my son and rest but now i go home and if i have homework or a test i dot that.
ReplyDeleteI try to prioritize and it usually comes up as my son first and then school second.
I am very lucky to be where i am and very proud of myself.
I had that "single life" for 2 years. My dad was hurt overseas and after I finished all my homeschooling, I stayed home with him so he wouldn't be alone. I am now half way done with the Medical program here and couldn't be happier with the way things are going. Being out of school for two years and then coming back, I thought I wouldn't do that well, but since I've been here I've been on the Dean’s List with a 4.0! WVCJ has become my stepping stone into a world full of opportunities.
ReplyDeleteI would’ve never been able to do any of this without my friends and family.
Applying these two steps are really true. You have to give up friends and think more about yourself because this is something your doing for you. I put nothing before school. I haven't had my child yet, so nothing else in my life is more important. I'm happy with things here & I can't wait to gradute :)
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ReplyDeleteFor all of those returning students, isn’t it always a good thing to have that second chance. You appreciate the college experience all the more. With experience on your side setting priorities, at least to me, is the easy part. Letting others realize your change in goals seems the harder challenge.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had to prioritize until recently when i started coming to WVJC. I dont have any children, so it was only myself i had to worry about right after high school. Now, I put family as my 1st and school as my 2nd priority because i know this will be my future when I get into the workforce. But i agree with everything this says! I'm very lucky to be where I am today, thanks to my family, friends, teachers and classmates!
ReplyDeleteWhen deciding to go to college, make sure it is something you are interested in and not just something to pass the time. Some, I have found, just want the answers given to them, but when they get into the real world with real world situations, the answers are not readily available. You have to think on your feet with your head out of the clouds. So, when you think that you are ready, think about your priorities and make sure that you can fit school into your list because it is not an easy task to take on school when you have 50,000 other things blocking you from putting your whole heart and whole mind into it.