Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not Quite Where You Want To Be? That's Okay!


It seems like a word we hear pretty frequently, but do we take the time to stop and think how it can impact our own lives?

Life is a constant challenge. We are faced with obstacles and hardships and sometimes wonder how long we’re going to survive. It’s no wonder that sometimes, we fall just a little short. We fail. We take that hurdle in front of us and instead of jumping over it…we crash straight through it. Is that okay? It sure is…because the other thing this life gives us is opportunity.

Robert Frost gave the best quotation about life when he said, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life…IT GOES ON”.

If your life hasn’t led you to exactly where you want to be, now isn’t the time to get up. Maybe it’s time to review that resume and start looking for the job you’ve wanted…maybe you need to go back to school to get the education you need or maybe you need to clean up some things your personal life. Whatever the case may be, write down the word OPPORTUNITY somewhere that you will see it. Look at it every day and remember that it’s your decision on what to do with your life…make the best of it.



  1. This is very nice. All I have to add is when you do crash into that wall just take a few steps back and look to see how else you can get around it, and if you cant find a way around it then just go straight through it.

  2. I agree with this completely. It tells you like it is.


  3. This is powerful!! Nothing in my life has come to me easy!! I had to fight to get everything I have and to be where I'm at now. I have learned you have to make the best out of everything or you will be miserable. I still do fall off the train once and a while but I always hold my head up high and get right back on the train of life!! I am going to save this blog it is inspirational to me!!!
    HW :)
