Friday, March 5, 2010

I'll Ride With You...You Ride With Me. We'll Both Make It To School

WVJC’s location in downtown Charleston is very helpful when it comes time for your externships and your job placement. It is, however, no secret that the parking in any downtown city is a bit of a problem. An easy solution for the everyday hunt for a parking space, as well as reducing the weekly fill-ups at the gas pump, is starting your own Carpool to and from the Junior College.

Gas prices are constantly fluctuating and many of you are currently without work do, you may find that starting or joining a car pool with fellow classmates will lessen the load. I know that our minds automatically wander to a chaotic scene where someone over sleeps or forgets to pick someone up, or even worse intentionally leaves someone behind. To that,I say choose your car pools wisely!

I have looked into two types of car pools. You may opt for one of these two types of car pools. 1) The driver picks up passengers on the way to school. 2) The passengers drive their cars to the driver’s house and leave their cars there. (If someone does not show they take themselves, and everyone else still has a ride).
Another concern may be compensation. The best bets are either rotating who drives (daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your carpool), or splitting up gas money to the driver. I remind you again choose wisely when it comes to your car pool. If you know an individual who is ALWAYS late for class it would probably benefit you more to avoid starting a carpool with them. Or to at least drive the car pool so that if lateness does in fact remain an issue you can still make it in time.

Make friends, ride together and save time and gas! Visit Fawn Atkins in the LRC to find out more.


1 comment:

  1. Im one of those people that car pools with somebody. We split up the gas money were i pay $ 40 a month and its vary hard to give them gas money because i dont have a job im still trying to get one.But most of the time were are always here on time. But the bad thing is when they miss i have to miss to and its gets a little agervating sometimes. Its reaaly not that bad car pooling so just stick with your promises and you be alright.
