Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Behind the Scenes - Meet our Staff! Admissions Representative, Stephanie Duncan

Hi guys it is Stephanie! Some of you already know me from the admissions process. I have been at West Virginia Junior College for almost 3 years now and it has become an important part of my life. Everything from utilizing facebook for open communication to constantly being on the lookout for potentially great students is my daily task.

The rest of you are familiar with Kathy or Vicky. I am a part of a team of awesome women who help you through the enrollment process. We work as a team here and that is one of the things I really love about WVJC. It is a place where I can help students willing to put in the hard work it takes to change their lives.

Everyday my students amaze me. They work so hard in class and in their externships all while many of them juggle full time jobs or family!! But I have to say that the VERY best part of my job is seeing you all walk across the stage at graduation in front of all of your family, friends, classmates, and teachers. It makes everything I do everyday worth it.

Personally I am a Marshall University School of Journalism and Mass Communications graduate. I recently celebrated my one year wedding anniversary. I have no animals or kids yet but according to a sticker I got on my birthday from my niece, I am an AWESOME AUNT! And sometimes, I think I am really funny. That about sums it up for this admissions representative, check back I may update you with more.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie you are an inspiration to me and others I know for sure.You gave me hope to continue on with my future.You are a wonderful and very intelligent woman.I am very blessed and honored to be a part of the WVJC team.I love the college and can not wait to graduate.
