Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"My Last Two Weeks" - Diary of a Student by Jackie Davis

It is Wednesday, December 8th...the day I officially complete my Externship!

I have had such a wonderful experience at St. Francis Hospital and I appreciate everything they have done to teach me and to allow me to grow and learn in the medical field. I am so excited to finally be finished! I can't believe the time is passing so quickly.

I have had two job interviews this week thanks to the help of Ms. Julie Tawney in Career Services. That's one of the best parts of West Virginia Junior College...their Career Services Department helps you create your resume and other career related documents, assists you in interview training and helps you every step of the way before you land your first job.

That's it for today...Check back tomorrow to see if I am nervous as I prepare for my last week at WVJC!

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