Monday, December 6, 2010

WVJC Charleston Staff - Behind the Scenes! Career Services Director, Julie Tawney

Ms. Tawney.

So, you want to know more about me? Here we go...

It's Monday, December 6th and it is COLD! I just had a birthday on Friday and turned the big 2-5! This month is a busy one for me as I prepare for the Holidays, help students start their perfect careers in their fields of study AND continue planning my wedding. :)

I've got to tell you...I'm pretty blessed with such an amazing group of students that graduate this quarter. They are all SO smart and have such great personalities! We had a really exciting week last week with Mock Interviews which included area employers like Charleston Area Medical Center, Advantage Technology and BB&T. The students absolutely rocked them! In addition to that, our Medical Assistants took their Nationally Certified Medical Assistant Exam and they did a great job!

The rest of my life is basically consumed planning my wedding which will be on July 16, 2011. I'll post a picture of myself and my future hubby soon. :)

This week is filled with job searching, finishing externship hours and DON'T FORGET...We are having the Facebook Scavenger Hunt! Be sure to search West Virginia Junior College Charleston Campus for updates! Start looking ahead to your finals, students! It's never too early to start studying!

We'll be featuring a Staff Member, Instructor and Student each week on our Blog, so make sure you check back to get a 'Behind the Scenes Look' at WVJC Charleston!

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